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Christ is King


Who created His dominion and made it good.
Whose image is stamped on us through and through.
Who walked among His creation.
Who gives life to all. Who is sovereign over all.
Who feeds and sustains all life.
Who gives to both the just and unjust.
Who watches over (sees) His creation.

Who protects and fights for His own.
Who leads angel armies.
Who is the lion of Judah.
Who wrote the law and put it in our hearts.
Who made a royal lineage from David to Jesus and a royal priesthood from Melchizedek to Jesus.

Who is the light to the nations and shines His glory for all to see.
Who incarnated Himself among us.
Who walks with us.
Who is present among His people.
Who serves us, loves us, and give to us without return payment.
Who died for us.
Who took the ridicule, crown or thorns, regal robe to redeem, reconcile, and restore us.

Who comes to us, steps toward us, and humbles Himself before us.
Who invited us to the banquet with Him.
Who lavishes us in the riches of His grace.
Who gives authority to His own to go into all the world and make followers among the nations.
Who is the One we represent as ambassadors—the King’s servants.

Who sings over His children (King’s kids).
Who is the wise King who gives freely to all who ask.
Who judges with the scepter of justice.
Who holds the scroll and opens them.
Who tears the veil.
Who built Zion for His own—the eternal kingdom.

Who is coming back for us to rule and reign with him as his princes and princesses.
Who has sealed us for the day of redemption.
Who keeps us in His hand forever.
Who wields the sword and will crush the head of the enemy.
Who sits on his throne forever and ever.
Who will receive honor and glory.

Col 1:16
1 Timothy 6:13-6
Phil. 2:8-11
Rev 17:14; 19:11
Eph. 1:19-23
Ps. 93:1; 149:2-5

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